Validating Result Set Filter Performance

Once you have deployed the filters to Unwired Server, you should synchronize data and ensure that filters are performing as you expect.

  1. Confirm that the columns appear correctly after the filter has been added to the mobile business object.
    1. Refresh the object.
    2. In the Properties view, select the Attribute Mapping tab.
    3. Check the Map to column to see that columns appear in the list correctly.
  2. From the device client or the device simulator, open the mobile object, and check that the new column appears.
  3. Synchronize the object from the device client or simulator.
  4. Review the appropriate log to troubleshoot the filters if issues arise:
    • While the data synchronization operation is being performed, all system.out statements are printed to the ml.log file on Unwired Server.
    • If you started Unwired Workspace with the -consoleLog and java.exe options, system.out statements are also printed to the console window.
Related concepts
Result Set Filters

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: