Synchronizing the Device Application

You can synchronize all mobile business objects associated with the device application, or individual mobile business objects.


The device application must be running on the device. This example uses a device application running on a BlackBerry 8800 device.

  1. Access the device application from the main menu. When it is open, click the menu key to the left of the center button and select Synchronize from the menu.
  2. In the Mobile Business Objects screen, click the menu key and select Change Option from the menu.
  3. Select the mobile business object, or objects, you want to synchronize in the list. A check mark displays to the left of the device application. (If you have multiple applications, you can repeat this step to select several individual applications to synchronize.
    Note: If you are synchronizing a "child" mobile business object, the parent mobile business object is displayed in the menu.
  4. Select Synchronize from the menu. The selected applications are synchronized.
  5. Select OK when the Sync Completed message displays.
    Note: If you cannot synchronize the device application on the device, verify that the mobile business object is set to "Syncable" in the mobile business object Properties.

    When you are synchronizing child mobile business objects that have the Syncable property set to true, the parent is always synchronized when you perform a synchronization on the child mobile business object.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: