Checkbox Control Properties

Use the checkbox control to assign or display Boolean values.

Table 1. Checkbox control properties
Property Description
Checkbox Text Enter text for the check box.

Select Use Variable to use a variable for the check box text. Click Browse to find available variables.

Checkbox State Select to display a check in the check box by default.

Select Use Variable to use a variable for the check box state.

Click Browse to find available variables.

Select Read Only to make the check box uneditable on the device screen.

Logical Type Sets the logical type for the checkbox. This can be used on the device to give menu assistance to input fields, for example, task, calendar, e-mail, or phone.
Style Select the check box style from the drop-down menu, or click Search to search available styles.

Click Edit to edit the selected style.

Click Clear to clear the style.

Span Choose:
  • Horizontal – enter the number of columns the check box will occupy. The number must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the number of columns in the container.
  • Vertical – enter the number of rows the check box will occupy.
Alignment Choose the way the check box displays on the screen:


  • Left – left-justified alignment.
  • Center – centered alignment.
  • Right – right-justified alignment.


  • Top – positions the control at the top of the span.
  • Center– positions the control in the center of the span.
  • Bottom – positions the control at the bottom of the span.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: