Creating a Personalization Key

Create a personalization key using the Personalization Key wizard.

  1. Launch the Personalization Key wizard from either:
    Option Action
    The Mobile Development perspective Select File > New > Personalization Key , or File > New > Other > Mobile Application Project > Personalization Key .
    The WorkSpace Navigator Right-click the Mobile Application project, the Personalization Keys folder within the Mobile Application project, or an existing personalization key within the Personalization Keys folder and select New > Personalization Key .
    Note: The context from which you launch the New Personalization Key wizard determines the default Mobile Application project location of the new personalization key.
    The New Personalization Key wizard displays:
  2. Follow the wizard instructions and click Finish to create the new personalization key:
    • Mobile Application project – the project in which this personalization key is created. The newly created personalization key will be stored in the Personalization Key folder of the selected Mobile Application project.
    • personalization key name – the name of the personalization key
    • Description – (optional) the description of this personalization key

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: