Creating Attributes for a Mobile Business Object

Use the Mobile Business Object Creation wizard to create a mobile business object and launch the Attributes Creation wizard. A mobile business object may or may not contain attributes.

  1. When you create a mobile business object in the Mobile Application Diagram, the Attributes Creation wizard automatically starts. You can also add an attribute to an existing mobile business object by selecting the Attribute icon from the palette and clicking inside the attribute section of an existing mobile business object.
  2. Follow the wizard instructions to create attributes for the mobile business object. Attributes vary, depending on the data source to which you are binding.
  3. Select either:
    Option Description
    Specify a data source Specify the data source to which the mobile business object attributes map. This creates a default mapping depending on the data source to which you are mapping. You must have a connection profile associated with the data source to which you are binding to use this option.
    Bind data source later Manually define the attributes and role assignments without binding to the data source.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: