
A view is similar to a pane. Views are based on perspectives and provide different ways to navigate and work with resources.

Views can be:

Each view has associated menus and may have its own toolbar. The menu at the top left of the view's title bar provides common functions to manipulate the view, such as moving, resizing, and maximizing the view. The pull-down menu at the right end of the view's title bar contains functions that apply to all of the resources in a view, not to just one particular resource. These functions may include sorting or filtering. The menus and toolbar associated with a view only affect the resources in that view. Modifications made in a view are saved immediately.

Screen shot pointing out views in a perspective
Related concepts
WorkSpace Navigator
Enterprise Explorer
Related tasks
Detaching a View
Floating a View
Creating a Fast View

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: