Connecting to Unwired Server Using Windows-based Mobile Device Clients

Connect to Unwired Server from Windows Mobile and .NET clients.


Enable HTTPS on Unwired Server, and import the public certificate into your environment.

  1. Copy mlcrsa.dll from:


  2. Paste the mlcrsa.dll into the same location as ulnet11.dll.
  3. Use the ConnectionManager API to create a connection to the appropriate Unwired Server port.

    Compare these examples.

    This example is for a single Unwired Server environment over HTTP:

    Connection c = new Connection();
    c.MobiLinkHost = "";
    c.MobiLinkPort = 2439;
    c.MobiLinkStreamType = MobiLinkStreamType.Http;
    c.Name = "supAdmin";
    c.Package = "Customer_1.0.0";
    c.UserName = "supAdmin";
    c.Password = "supAdmin";
    This example is for a single Unwired Server environment over HTTPS:
    Connection c = new Connection();
    c.MobiLinkHost = "";
    c.MobiLinkPort = 2440;
    c.MobiLinkStreamType = MobiLinkStreamType.Https;
    c.Name = "supAdmin";
    c.Package = "Customer_1.0.0";
    c.UserName = "supAdmin";
    c.Password = "supAdmin";
    This example is for a relay server farm over HTTP:
    Connection c = new Connection();
    c.MobiLinkHost = "";
    c.MobiLinkPort = 80;
    c.MobiLinkStreamType = MobiLinkStreamType.Http;
    c.MobiLinkStreamParams = "url_suffix=/ias_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll/[SUP_FARM_NAME]";
    c.Name = "supAdmin";
    c.Package = "Customer_1.0.0";
    c.UserName = "supAdmin";
    c.Password = "supAdmin";
    This example is for a realy server farm over HTTPS:
    Connection c = new Connection();
    c.MobiLinkHost = "";
    c.MobiLinkPort = 443;
    c.MobiLinkStreamType = MobiLinkStreamType.Https;
    c.MobiLinkStreamParams = "url_suffix=/ias_relay_server/client/rs_client.dll/[SUP_FARM_NAME]";
    c.Name = "supAdmin";
    c.Package = "Customer_1.0.0";
    c.UserName = "supAdmin";
    c.Password = "supAdmin";
Related tasks
Importing the Public Certificate
Enabling HTTPS on Unwired Server
Related reference
Certification Generation Utility

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: