
Consider information about restrictions to avoid unexpected results from your system.

This information applies to servers and databases of this version of Sybase IQ that have been upgraded from any earlier version of Sybase IQ, unless specified otherwise.

Sybase Central Plug-in Compatibility [CR #667451]

Due to security fixes in IQ 15.3, the Sybase IQ 15.4 plug-in for Sybase Central™ and Sybase Central Agents are not compatible with versions of Sybase IQ earlier than 15.2 ESD #3. You can use the 15.4 plug-in only with Sybase IQ servers that are 15.2 ESD #3 or later, including 15.4; you cannot use the 15.4 plug-in to connect to 12.x servers or servers earlier than 15.2 ESD #3.See New Features Summary.

Database Name Length Restriction [CR #365281]

The dbbackup utility truncates the database name to 70 characters and creates a target file with a truncated name. Sybase IQ uses dbbackup when synchronizing secondary servers. Due to dbbackup restrictions, database names must be less than 70 characters long.

Operations Restriction on HP Systems

By default, on HP systems, Sybase IQ writes server messages to /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log (the system log file). To prevent the file system from filling quickly, use the -s option on the start_iq command to set the system log file to a location other than “user”. For example:

start_iq -s local2

For a list of server startup parameters, see the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

Dbspace Management and File Placement

When you allocate file system files for dbspaces (System, IQ Main, or IQ Temporary), do not place the files on a file system that is shared over a local area network. Doing so can lead to poor I/O performance and other problems, including overloading the local area network. Do not place IQ dbspace files on network drives or Network File System (NFS) file systems.

To avoid conflicts, Sybase recommends that dbspace management be performed by a single database administrator on a single connection.

Dbspace Naming in RESTORE Command [CR #561366]

If the dbspace name contains a file extension such as .iq.iqtmp, or .iqloc, you must enclose the dbspace name in double quotation marks when specifying the name in a RESTORE command RENAME clause. For example:

RENAME local1 TO '/work/local1_res.iqloc.iqloc' 
DBSPACENAME "local1_res.iqloc"


RENAME "" TO '/test/'

Unexpected Query Results

In a few unusual circumstances, differences in semantics between SQL Anywhere and Sybase IQ may produce unexpected query results. These circumstances are:
  • A query is issued from inside a user-defined function

  • A SELECT statement has no FROM clause

  • A FROM clause contains some tables that were created IN SYSTEM and others that were not created IN SYSTEM

In these circumstances, subtle differences between the semantics of SQL Anywhere and Sybase IQ may be exposed. These differences include:
  • Sybase IQ treats the CHAR and VARCHAR data types as distinct and different; SQL Anywhere treats CHAR data as if it were VARCHAR.

  • When the RAND function is passed an argument, the behavior is deterministic in Sybase IQ and nondeterministic in SQL Anywhere.

Related concepts
Known Issues for Installation and Configuration
Known Issues for SySAM Licensing
Known Issues for Sybase IQ Operations
Known Issues for Multiplex Environment
Known Issues for Interactive SQL