Physical file not deleted by DROP DBSPACE [CR 447348]

Within a multiplex environment on Windows, if you execute DROP DBSPACE <dbspace_name> on a coordinator, the dbspace file may not be physically removed, if the file is locked by the secondary nodes. No error is reported to the client. The IQ message file (.iqmsg) of the coordinator records this error:

I. 02/25 11:20:58. 0000000060 DropDBSpacePhysicalFile
I. 02/25 11:20:58. 0000000060 Exception Thrown from
hos_bio.cxx:1228, Err# 6, tid 398 origtid 398
I. 02/25 11:20:58. 0000000060    O/S Err#: 26, ErrID:
518 (hos_bioexception); SQLCode: -1006062, SQLState:
'QBA62', Severity: 14
I. 02/25 11:20:58. 0000000060 [20300]: OS error 26
reported on file C:\users\mpx_tablespaces\mpx\size_dbsp_0tb.

The workaround is to manually delete the file from the file system after dropping the dbspace.