Server support of TDS password encryption [CR 530767, CR 484702]

The Sybase IQ server supports TDS password encryption. This statement should be removed from the “Usage” section of “SQL Statements > INSERT statement”:

“When used as a remote server, Sybase IQ does not support this password encryption.”

and replaced with these paragraphs:

“When used as a remote server, Sybase IQ supports TDS password encryption. The Sybase IQ server accepts a connection with an encrypted password sent by the client. For information on connection properties to set for password encryption, see “Client-Library Topics > Security features > Adaptive Server Enterprise security features > Security handshaking: encrypted password” in the Open Server 15.5 Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual.

NotePassword encryption requires Open Client 15.0. TDS password encryption requires Open Client 15.0 ESD #7 or later.

To enable the Sybase IQ server to accept a jConnect connection with an encrypted password, set the jConnect ENCRYPT_PASSWORD connection property to true.”