Creating demo database fails with sort error [CR #631097]

Creating the demo database may fail with an Informational stack trace for SORT and the error:

Exception Thrown from s_csort.cxx:1496, Err# 2,
tid 3676 origtid 3676
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2062 (hs_csortexception);
SQLCode: -1009134, SQLState: 'QSB34', Severity: 14
[21023]: Insufficient buffers for 'Sort'.
-- (s_csort.cxx 1496)

The “insufficient buffers” error may be related to the small default Sybase IQ memory caches (-iqmc 32 and -iqtc 24) and a high number of processors on the machine.


If hyperthreading is on, set the -iqnumbercpus server startup option to the number of physical processors. This may avoid the “insufficient buffers” error, if -iqnumbercpus is 64 or less.

If hyperthreading is off and the number of processors is greater than 64, edit to increase the size of the memory cache. For example, on a machine with 128 processors, change -iqmc 32 and -iqtc 24 to -iqmc 100 and -iqtc 100.

See System Administration Guide: Volume 1 > Troubleshooting hints > Solutions for specific conditions > Performance issues > Slow performance on a multi-CPU or hyperthreaded machine.