See XML Services for syntax parameters, examples, and usage information for these Transact-SQL functions that support XML in the database.
Applies an XML query expression to an XML document and returns the specified result. Information can be returned with or without the XML tags.
xmlextract_expression ::= xmlextract (xml_query_expression,xml_data_expression [optional_parameters]) xml_query_expression ::=basic_string_expression xml_data_expression ::= general_string_expression optional_parameters ::= options_parameter | returns_type | options_parameter returns_type options_parameter ::= [,] option option_string returns_type ::= [,] returns dataype datatype ::= {string_type | computational_type | date_time_type } string_type ::= char (integer) | varchar (integer) | unichar (integer) | univarchar (integer) | text | unitext | image computational_type ::= integer_type | decimal_type | real_type | date_time_type integer_type ::= [ unsigned ] {integer | int | tinyint | smallint | bigint} decimal_type ::= {decimal | dec | numeric } [ (integer [, integer ] ) ] real_type ::= real | float | double precision date_time_type ::= date | time | datetime option_string ::= [,] basic_string_expression
Parses an XML document passed as a parameter, and returns an image (default), binary, or varbinary value that contains a parsed form of the document.
mlparse_call ::= xmlparse(general_string_expression [options_parameter][returns_type]) options_parameter ::= [,] option option_string option_string ::= basic_string_expression returns type ::= [,] returns {image | binary | varbinary [(integer )]}
Examines the image parameter of an expression, and returns an integer value that indicates whether the parameter contains parsed XML data or another sort of image data.
xmlrepresentation_call::= xmlrepresentation(parsed_xml_expression)
Extracts data from an XML document and returns it as a SQL table.
xmltable_expression ::= xmltable ( row_pattern passing xml_argument columns column_definitions options_parameter) row_pattern ::= character_string_literal xml_argument ::= xml_expression | column_reference | variable_reference column_definitions ::= column_definition [ { , column_definition } ] column_definition ::= ordinality_column | regular_column ordinality_column ::= column_name datatype for ordinality regular_column ::= column_name datatype [ default literal ] [null | not null] [ path column_pattern ] column_pattern ::= character_string_literal options_parameter ::=[,] option option_string options_string ::= basic_string_expression
(Derived table syntax) Returns a SQL table from within a SQL from clause.
from_clause ::= from table_reference [, table_reference]... table_reference ::= table_view_name | ANSI_join |derived_table table_view_name::= See the select command in Reference Manual Volume 2, "Commands." ANSI_join::= See the select command in Reference Manual Volume 2, "Commands." derived_table ::= (subquery) as table_name [ (column_name [, column_name]...)| xmltable_expression as table_name
Is a SQL predicate that evaluates an XML query expression, which can reference the XML document parameter, and returns a Boolean result. xmltest resembles a SQL like predicate.
xmltest_predicate ::= xml_query_expression [not] xmltest xml_data [option option_string] xml_data ::= xml_data_expression | (xml_data_expression) xml_query_expression::= basic_string_expression xml_data_expression ::= general_string_expression option_string ::= basic_string_expression
Validates an XML document.
xmlvalidate_call ::= xmlvalidate ( general_string_expression, [optional_parameters]) optional_parameters ::= options_parameter | returns_type |options_parameter returns type options_parameter ::= [,] option option_string options_string ::= basic_string_expression returns_type ::= [,] returns string_type string_type ::=char (integer) | varchar (integer) | unichar (integer) |univarchar (integer) | text | unitext |image | java.lang.String