Sybase IQ cannot check out a license and starts with graced license instead

Execute the SySAM diag feature_name command from the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0 bin directory, where feature_name is the SySAM feature name for Sybase IQ or the optional feature that is in grace mode. The feature name is printed in the Sybase IQ error log, <dbname>.iqmsg file, and in the optional e-mail notifications.

If the diag command shows no licenses available for check-out, this may be due to one of the following reasons:

Served models

Unserved models

Wrong license

product edition or license type

If the diag command shows the license for the given feature is available for check-out, the reason that Sybase IQ cannot check-out the license could be that the product edition or license type does not match the requirement.

If Sybase IQ cannot start because the grace period expired, examine the iq.default.lmp file located in the $IQDIR15/Sysam directory under your parent installation directory for values. These values are stored in two lines that start with PE= and LT=. These lines are present only if the configuration is set.

See “Sybase IQ cannot find license for an optional feature, even though the license exists” for more information.