Working with large schemas

With large schemas, the default cache settings may be too small and the Sybase IQ 15.1 server could exhaust dynamic memory. To increase the 15.1 server's cache memory, use the -c server switch. Use the -new_startline to pass this switch to the 15.1 server.

A diagnostic example would include the following switches:

-ca 1
-c 1000m
-o /iq15outputdir/iq15console.out

NoteThe value shown for -c is arbitrary. You should set switches appropriately for your system. The value for -c is in bytes. To specify megabytes, use the m suffix, as shown.

The switches in the example perform as follows:

Now you can load -o /outputdir/iq15console.out into your editor and examine the log entries. You can watch how the catalog store adjusts the cache and determine if the settings of 1000m and 2000m are appropriate.