The Sybase IQ Server Installation media includes all of the components you need to install an IQ Server. Before you run the installer, see the sections on “Mounting the installation media” and “Setting up the sybase account”.
Installing Sybase IQ Server components
Stop any servers currently running in the install directory before you run the installer.
Insert the Sybase IQ Product DVD into the drive.
If the Sybase IQ installer does not start automatically, mount the drive, then use this command to start the installer:
% <DVD_mount_directory>/setupHP-UXi64
On the Welcome screen, click Next.
Choose an installation directory, click Next.
Choose the product edition you want to configure, click Next.
On the next screen, choose a location, then read and accept the license agreement.
You must accept an appropriate license agreement to install Sybase IQ. You can review all available license agreements on the Sybase Web site.
When the installer prompts you for the Sybase IQ 15.1 license key(s), do one of the following:
Use an editor to open the license you downloaded from the SPDC site, and paste the license in the license key text box. Perform this action only if you are installing an unserved license.
Click Browse, navigate to the location where you stored your license, and, choose your license. Perform this action only if you are installing an unserved license.
Click Use previously deployed license server, then specify the server’s Host Name and Port Number. Use this option if you want to use a previously deployed license server.
Click Continue installation without a license key. Use this option to install Sybase IQ in evaluation mode.
Click Next, then choose the appropriate Product Edition and License Type.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete your installation. Unmount and remove the installation media from the drive, if necessary.
If you decide to install Sybase IQ in grace mode, you can install the product with out a license, and activate a 30 grace period. You must obtain an appropriate license from Sybase before the grace period ends.
If you plan to obtain your license from the License Server, you must identify the server’s host name and port number. If you do not specify a port number, SySAM software communicates over the first available port in the 27000 to 27009 range.
You can configure SySAM to send e-mail alerts when an event occurs that may need administrative attention. To configure the e-mail alerts, you must identify the SMTP server, SMTP port number, and e-mail recipients.