Running Sybase IQ Server

This section tells how to start and stop Sybase IQ Server with the demo database.

Starting the demo database

To start Sybase IQ Server, change to a directory where you have write privileges and run the start_iq utility, using the following command format:

% start_iq @configuration_filename.cfg dbname.db

This command starts the database and sets parameters named in the (optional) configuration (.cfg) file.

NoteIf SQL Anywhere is installed on the same subnet as Sybase IQ, the server must have a unique name. Both SQL Anywhere and Sybase IQ servers default to the port 2638. Make sure to use a new port number for each server. Set each new port number in the $IQDIR15/scripts/default.cfg file. Update each IQ database configuration file (for example, $IQDIR15/demo/iqdemo.cfg) by changing the port number in the following line:

–x tcpip{port=2638}

To an unused number, for example, 4444:

–x tcpip{port=4444}

You can use a configuration file to specify options that you want to set whenever you start your server. A configuration file for the demo database is installed in the $IQDIR15/demo directory as an example. For details about configuration files, see “Using configuration files”.

NoteThe directory where the server is started becomes the default directory for all server files created by Sybase IQ.

For example, to start the demo database installed with the product, you could use these commands:

% cd $IQDIR15/demo
% start_iq @iqdemo.cfg iqdemo.db

Startup parameters

Startup information is saved in the stderr log. Output from start_iq ends with this line:

Server started successfully

For more information, see the Sybase IQ System Administration Guide.

NoteIf you run the start_iq utility from $IQDIR15/bin64, the script changes directory to “./..” to avoid creating database files in the /bin directory.

Using defaults in default.cfg, the start_iq utility sets any required environment variables that have not been set and sets parameters that govern Sybase IQ to the recommended defaults. (You may use a configuration file to override these defaults.)

Table 4-2: Parameters set by start_iq






Catalog store cache size



Checkpoint interval



Allows all users to start the database by connecting



Allows all users to load or unload tables



Default number of connections



Catalog store page size



Client time–out set to 72 hours. Prevents users with long queries from being logged off over a long weekend.



Sets the IQ main cache size



Sets the IQ temp cache size

NoteOn the start_iq command line, the last option specified takes precedence, so if you want to override your configuration file, list any options you want to change after the configuration file name. For example:

start_iq @iqdemo.cfg –x 'tcpip{port=1870}' iqdemo.db

The –x parameter here overrides connection information in the iqdemo.cfg file.

For a complete list and description of startup parameters, see “The database server” in Chapter 2 of Sybase IQ Reference Manual.

NoteDo not discard this document after installing Sybase IQ. You may need these required parameters later.

If you have Sybase Central, you may use the Start Database Server wizard, as documented in Introduction to Sybase IQ, instead of start_iq.

NoteOn UNIX systems, always run Sybase Central Java and dbisql using the default colors of the Common Desktop Environment. Running these products under Open Windows or changing the default colors may cause display problems.

The server process runs in the background and sends output to a server log file, $IQDIR15/logfiles/servername.nnnn.srvlog where nnnn is the number of times the server has been started. For example, $IQDIR15/logfiles/localhost.0004.srvlog.