Before you generate your license, you need the host ID and host name of the server where you plan to install Sybase IQ. See “Get your host ID” and “Determine the host name” for more information.
an unserved license
Start your browser and log in to the Sybase Product Download Center (SPDC).
On the Product List page, choose Sybase IQ.
On the Product Information page, choose the product version appropriate for your platform.
On the License Information page, choose the appropriate location, then read and accept the license agreement, if necessary.
On the Product Download page, click the License Keys link.
On the License Information page, choose the appropriate license(s), scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Select to Generate.
On the Generate Licenses page, do the following:
Choose Unserved license, click Next.
Specify the number of licenses you want to generate, click Next.
Identify the host machine where you intend to install Sybase IQ. You must identify the host ID and number of licenses. The host name is optional. Click Generate.
Click Download License File and save your license to a temporary location on the local file system. You must save the license file with a .lic extension or SySAM will not recognize the license.
If you chose an unserved license model, you can now
install Sybase IQ server components. During installation, the installer
will prompt you for information about your license.