If you select a served license model, the install program checks for a license with the selected edition and license type. A warning message is displayed if no suitable license is available.
If you are performing a new Sybase IQ installation, Sybase provides a 30 day grace period to resolve licensing issues. When you complete the installation, debug the license check-out failure. For more information, see “Sybase IQ cannot check out a license and starts with graced license instead”.
You can determine the date based version of the license by looking at the license checkout message in the Sybase IQ error log and <dbname>.iqmsg file; or by examining the license itself. For more information see Appendix A Anatomy of a License in the Sybase Software Asset Management Users Guide.
You can determine the Sybase IQ release date by the date displayed in the version string, cover letter, or SPDC download link. This data is also shown in the error message posted.
You can download an updated license from SPDC, if your support was paid for the date the update was released. If you support was not paid, you are not authorized to install an update.
See Appendix B of the Sybase Software Asset Management Users Guide for an explanation of how SySAM uses date-based versioning.
See Updating your Sybase licenses in Chapter 3 Getting and Using your Licenses, in the Sybase Software Asset Management Users Guide for how to update your license.