Execute sysam diag feature_name to ensure that the license for the optional feature exists and can be checked out from the machine where Sybase IQ is running. If the feature exists, but cannot be checked out from Sybase IQ, this could be because:
The optional feature is for a different edition.
The Active or Standby flags do not match for base Sybase IQ and the optional feature.
Execute sp_iqlmconfig to determine the edition and active and standby configuration value. The edition and active and standby values are displayed in the Property Name / Property Value table. The edition value is displayed in the PE row and active and standby value is displayed in the AS row.
Compare the values of PE and LT for Sybase IQ with the same values recorded in the VENDOR_STRING and ISSUER fields of the optional feature license. If these values do not match, call technical support.