Installing HP-UX client components

The Sybase IQ Client Installation CD includes all IQ client components. The client installer includes a single setup wizard for all product editions. If this is the first Sybase product you plan to install, see “Installing Sybase IQ Server” for pre-installation steps.

StepsInstalling Sybase IQ Client Tools

  1. Insert the Sybase IQ Client installation CD into the drive.

    If the Sybase IQ installer does not start automatically, mount the drive, then use this command to start the installer:

    % <DVD_mount_directory>/setupHP-UXi64
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen.

  3. Choose the product edition you want to configure, then click Next.

  4. Choose a location, then read and accept the license agreement. Click Next.

    You must accept an appropriate licence agreement to install Sybase IQ. You can review all available license agreements on the Sybase Web site.

  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

StepsSetting environment variables

You must set certain environment variables to run Sybase IQ. Sybase IQ installs environment files that you can run to set variables.

  1. bash or Korn (ksh) shell users should type:

    % . $SYBASE/IQ-15_1/
  2. tcsh or C (csh) shell users should type:

    % source $SYBASE/IQ-15_1/IQ-15_1.csh