If you call Sybase technical support for SySAM-related issues have the following information available:
The Sybase IQ error log located in $IQDIR15/logfiles/<servername>.stderr directory.
The <dbname>.iqmsg file located in the same directory as your IQ database
If you started Sybase IQ in grace mode – output from the sp_iqlmconfig command.
If Sybase IQ does not start – output from the server’s log file(s) in the $IQDIR15/logfiles/<servername>.nnn.srvlog .
The license files in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory on the machine running Sybase IQ.
The value of SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE and LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variables, if they have been defined.
Output from lmutil lmpath -status command. The lmutil binary is located in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin directory.
If you are using a served license model, the licenses in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory, and the license server log file in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/log directory.