You can specify the values for the jConnect driver connection properties when you define a URL.
Driver connection properties set in the URL do not override
any corresponding connection properties set in the application using
the DriverManager.getConnection method.
To set a connection property in the URL, append the property name and its value to the URL definition. Use this syntax:
jdbc:sybase:Tds:host:port/database? property_name=value
To set multiple connection properties, append each additional connection property and value, preceded by “&.” For example:
jdbc:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase? LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME=myhost
If the value for one of the connection properties contains “&,” precede the “&” in the connection property value with a backslash (\). For example, if your host name is “a&bhost,” use this syntax:
jdbc:sybase:Tds:myserver:1234/mydatabase? LITERAL_PARAMS=true&PACKETSIZE=512&HOSTNAME= a\&bhost
Do not use quotes for connection property values, even if they are strings. For example, use: