There are a number of ways to optimize the performance of an application using jConnect:
Use TextPointer.sendData methods to send text and image data to an Adaptive Server database. See “Updating image data in the database”.
Create precompiled PreparedStatement objects for dynamic SQL statements that are used repeatedly during a session. See “Performance tuning for prepared statements in dynamic SQL”.
Use batch updates to improve performance by reducing network traffic; specifically, all queries are sent to the server in one group and all responses returned to the client are sent in one group. See “Support for batch updates”.
For sessions that are likely to move image data, large row sets, and lengthy text data, use the PACKETSIZE connection property to set the maximum feasible packet size.
For TDS-tunneled HTTP, set the maximum TDS packet size and configure your Web server to support the HTTP1.1 Keep-Alive feature. Also, set the SkipDoneProc servlet argument to "true."
Use protocol cursors, the default setting of the LANGUAGE_CURSOR connection property. See “LANGUAGE_CURSOR connection property” for more information.
If you use TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE result sets, use them only when the result set is reasonably small. See “Using TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE result sets in jConnect” for more information.
Additional considerations for improving performance are described in the following sections.