jConnect supports large insertions of rows to Adaptive Server version 12.5.2 and later using bulk load inserts. Although this feature does not require special configuration on the server, a larger page size, network packet size, and max memory size significantly improves performance. Depending on the client memory, use of larger batches also improves performance.
To enable this feature, set ENABLE_BULK_LOAD to any of the valid values:
ARRAYINSERT_WITH_MIXED_STATEMENTS – enables bulk load with row-level logging and allows your application to execute other statements during the bulk load operation.
ARRAYINSERT – enables bulk load with row-level logging, but your application cannot execute other statements during the bulk load operation.
BCP – enables bulk load with page-level logging; your application cannot execute other statements during the bulk load operation.
LOG_BCP – enables the bulk load with page-level logging using ASE fast log BCP feature; your application cannot execute other statements during the bulk load operation.
When you use prepared statements and ENABLE_BULK_LOAD is set to a valid value, jConnect uses the BULK routines to insert a batch of records to the Sybase databases.