Using a cursor with a PreparedStatement object

Once you create a PreparedStatement object, you can use it multiple times with the same or different values for its input parameters. If you use a cursor with a PreparedStatement object, you must close the cursor after each use and then reopen the cursor to use it again. A cursor is closed when you close its result set (ResultSet.close). It is opened when you execute its prepared statement (PreparedStatement.executeQuery).

The following example shows how to create a PreparedStatement object, assign it a cursor, and execute the PreparedStatement object twice, closing and then reopening the cursor.

// Create a prepared statement object with a 
// parameterized query.
PreparedStatement prep_stmt =
"SELECT au_id, au_lname, au_fname "+
"FROM authors WHERE city = ? "+
"FOR UPDATE OF au_lname");
//Create a cursor for the statement.
// Assign the parameter in the query a value. 
// Execute the prepared statement to return a 
// result set.
prep_stmt.setString(1, "Oakland");
ResultSet rs = prep_stmt.executeQuery();
//Do some processing on the result set.
// Close the result, which also closes the cursor.
// Execute the prepared statement again with a new 
// parameter value. 
prep_stmt.setString(1,"San Francisco");
rs = prep_stmt.executeQuery();
// reopens cursor