jConnect is the Sybase high-performance JDBC driver. jConnect is both:
A net-protocol/all-Java driver within a three-tier environment, and
A native-protocol/all-Java driver within a two-tier environment.
The protocol used by jConnect is TDS 5.0 (Tabular Data Stream™, version 5), the native protocol for Adaptive Server® and Open Server™ applications. jConnect implements the JDBC standard to provide optimal connectivity to the complete family of Sybase products, allowing access to over 25 enterprise and legacy systems, including:
Adaptive Server Enterprise
SQL Anywhere®
Sybase® IQ
Replication Server®
Since changing the name of Sybase SQL Server™ to
Adaptive Server Enterprise, Sybase may use the names Adaptive Server
and Adaptive Server Enterprise to refer collectively to all supported
versions of Sybase SQL Server and Adaptive Server Enterprise. From
this point forward, in this document, Adaptive Server Enterprise
is referred to as Adaptive Server.
In addition, jConnect for JDBC can access Oracle, AS/400, and other data sources using Sybase DirectConnect.
In some instances, the jConnect implementation of JDBC deviates from the JDBC specifications.See “Restrictions on and interpretations of JDBC standards”.