jConnect version 6.05 has a connection property called PRELOAD_JARS. When defined as a comma-delimited list of .jar file names, the .jar files are loaded in their entirety. In this context, “JAR” refers to the “retained JARname” used by the server. This is the .jar file name specified in the install Java program, for example:
install java new jar 'myJarName' from file '/tmp/mystuff.jar'
If you set PRELOAD_JARS, the .jar files are associated with the class loader, so it is unnecessary to preload them with every connection. You should only specify PRELOAD_JARS for one connection. Subsequent attempts to preload the same .jar files may result in performance problems as the .jar file data is retrieved from the server unnecessarily.
SQL Anywhere 6.x and later cannot return a .jar file
as one entity, so jConnect iteratively retrieves each class in turn.
However, Adaptive Server 12.x and later retrieves the entire .jar file
and loads each class that it contains.