The following table lists the SQL exception and warning messages that you may encounter when using jConnect.
SQL state |
Message/description/action |
010AF |
Description: An internal assertion in the jConnect driver has failed. Action: Use the devclasses debug classes to determine the reason for this message and report the problem to Sybase Technical Support. |
010DF |
Description: jConnect cannot connect to the database specified in the connection URL. Action: Be sure the database name in the URL is correct. Also, if connecting to SQL Anywhere, use the SERVICENAME connection property to specify the database. |
010DP |
Description: A connection property is defined twice. It may be defined twice in the driver connection properties list with different capitalization, for example “password” and “PASSWORD.” Connection property names are not case-sensitive; therefore, jConnect does not distinguish between property names with the same name but different capitalization. The connection property may also be defined both in the connection properties list, and in the URL. In this case, the property value in the connection property list takes precedence. Action: Be sure your application defines the connection property only once. However, you may want your application to take advantage of the precedence of connection properties defined in the property list over those defined in the URL. In this case, you can safely ignore this warning. |
010HA |
Description: The server to which jConnect attempted an HA-enabled connection did not allow the connection. Action: Reconfigure the server to support high availability failover or do not set REQUEST_HA_SESSION to true. |
010HD |
Description: The database to which jConnect attempted a connection does not support high availability failover. Action: Connect only to database servers that support high availability failover. |
010HN |
Action: Make sure to explicitly specify a service principal name using the connection property. |
010HT |
Description: You provided a string greater than 30 characters for the HOSTNAME connection property, or the host machine on which the jConnect application is running has a name longer than 30 bytes in length. Action: No action is necessary, since this is just a warning to indicate that jConnect is truncating the name to 30 bytes. However, if you wish to avoid this warning, you should set the HOSTNAME to a string less than or equal to 30 bytes in length. |
010KF |
Action: Check your Kerberos environment, and make sure that you authenticated properly to the KDC. See Chapter 3, “Security” for more information. |
010MX |
Description: The server may not have the necessary stored procedures for returning metadata information. Action: Be sure that stored procedures for providing metadata are installed on the server. See “Installing Stored Procedures” in Chapter 3 of the jConnect for JDBC Installation Guide. |
010P4 |
Description: The query you executed returned an output parameter but the application result-processing code did not fetch it so it was ignored. Action: If your application needs the output parameter data, you must rewrite the application so it can get it. This may require using a CallableStatement to execute the query, and adding calls to registerOutputParameter and getXXX. You can also prevent jConnect from returning this warning, and possibly get a performance improvement, by setting the DISABLE_UNPROCESSED_PARAM_WARNINGS connection property to true. |
010PF |
Description: This happens when using the DynamicClassLoader with the PRELOAD_JARS connection property set to a comma-delimited list of .jar file names. When the DynamicClassLoader opens its connection to the server from which the classes are to be loaded, it attempts to “preload” all the .jar files mentioned in this connection property. If one or more of the .jar file names specified does not exist on the server, the above error message results. Action: Verify that every .jar file mentioned in the PRELOAD_JARS connection property for your application exists and is accessible on the server. |
010PO |
Description: If you wish to use precompiled dynamic statements, then you must allow for parameters to be sent to those statements (if the statements take parameters). Setting LITERAL_PARAMS to true forces all parameters to be sent as literal values in the SQL that you send to the server. Therefore, you cannot set both properties to true. Action: To avoid this warning, do not set LITERAL_PARAMS to true when you wish to use dynamic SQL. See “Performance tuning for prepared statements in dynamic SQL” for more information. |
010RC |
Description: You requested a type and concurrency combination for the ResultSet that is not supported. The requested values had to be converted. See “Using cursors with result sets” for more information about what ResultSet types and concurrencies are available in jConnect Action: Request a type and concurrency combination for the ResultSet that is supported. |
010SJ |
Description: The metadata information is not configured on the server. Action: If your application requires metadata, install the stored procedures for returning metadata that come with jConnect (see “Installing Stored Procedures” in Chapter 3 of the jConnect for JDBC Installation Guide). If you do not need metadata, set the USE_METADATA property to false. |
010SK |
Description: Your application attempted an operation that the database you are connected to does not support. Action: You may need to upgrade your database or make sure that the latest version of metadata information is installed on it. |
010SL |
Description: The metadata information on the server is old and needs to be updated. Action: Install the stored procedures for returning metadata that come with jConnect (see “Installing Stored Procedures” in Chapter 3 of the jConnect for JDBC Installation Guide). |
010SM |
Description: Adaptive Server Enterprise versions 11.9.2 and lower had a bug that caused them to reject logins from clients that requested capabilities that the servers did not have. This warning indicates that jConnect has detected this condition and is retrying the connection using the greatest number of capabilities that the server can accept. When jConnect encounters this bug, it attempts to connect to the server twice. Action: Clients can safely ignore this warning, but if they wish to eliminate the warning and ensure that jConnect makes only one connection attempt, they can set the ELIMINATE_010SM connection property to true. Please note that this property should not be set to true when connecting to Adaptive Server versions 12.0 and later. |
010SN |
Description: Permission to write to a file specified in the PROTOCOL_CAPTURE connection property is denied because of a security violation in the VM. This can occur if an applet attempts to write to the specified file. Action: If you are attempting to write to the file from an applet, make sure that the applet has access to the target file system. |
010SP |
Action: Make sure that the file name is correct and that the file is writable. |
010SQ |
Description: The CONNECTION_FAILOVER connection property is set to "true," and jConnect was unable to connect to one of the database servers in the list of servers to which to connect. Therefore, jConnect now tries to connect to the next server in the list. Action: No action is required, as long as jConnect is able to connect to another database server. However, you should determine why jConnect was unable to connect to the particular server that caused the connection warning to be issued. |
010TP |
Description: The server cannot use the character set initially requested by jConnect, and has responded with a different character set. jConnect accepts the change, and performs the necessary character-set conversions. The message is strictly informational and has no further consequences. Action: To avoid this message, set the CHARSET connection property to a character set that the server supports. |
010TQ |
Description: jConnect could not determine the server's default character set. When this occurs, the only characters that are guaranteed to translate properly are the first 127 ASCII characters. Therefore, jConnect reverts to 7-bit ASCII in this case. The message is strictly informational and has no further consequences. Action: Install the stored procedures for returning metadata that comes with jConnect (see “Installing Stored Procedures” in Chapter 3 of the jConnect for JDBC Installation Guide). |
010UF |
Description: jConnect cannot connect to the database specified in the connection URL. Two possibilities are:
Action: Make sure the database name in the URL is correct. Make sure that the stored procedures for returning metadata are installed on the server (see “Installing Stored Procedures” in Chapter 3 of the jConnect for JDBC Installation Guide and jConnect for JDBC Release Bulletin). If you are attempting to access a SQL Anywhere database, either do not specify a database name in the URL, or set USE_METADATA to false. |
010UP |
Description: You attempted to set a connection property in the URL that jConnect does not currently recognize. jConnect ignores the unrecognized property. Action: Check the URL definition in your application to make sure it references only valid jConnect driver connection properties. |
0100V |
Description: The server does not support the required version of the TDS protocol. jConnect requires version 5.0 or later. Action: Use a server that supports the required version of TDS. See the system requirements section in the jConnect installation guide for details. |
01S08 |
Description: jConnect issues rollback to clear out any current local transactions. This occurs when a global transaction has been enlisted, after issuing XAResource.start(). Action: If you have local transactions active prior to issuing the XAResource.start() method, you need to either commit or roll back the local transactions. |
01S09 |
Description: Warns that a local operation is being performed in the global transaction. An example of a local operation is calling the commit() method on the connection. Other operations that cannot be used include: rollback(), rollback(Savepoint), setSavepoint(), setSavepoint(String), releaseSavepoint(Savepoint), and setAutoCommit(). Action: Local transactions need to be kept separated from global transactions. Make sure to complete all local transactions and their operations prior to starting the global transaction. |
JZ001 |
Action: Do not exceed the 30-byte maximum. |
JZ002 |
Action: Do not exceed the 30-byte maximum. |
JZ003 |
Action: Verify the URL format. See “URL connection property parameters”. If you are using the PROXY connection property, you may get a JZ003 exception while trying to connect if the format for the PROXY property is incorrect. The PROXY format for the Cascade proxy is: ip_address:port_number The PROXY format for the TDS tunnelling servlet is: http[s]://host:port/tunneling_servlet_alias |
JZ004 |
Action: Provide the required user property. |
JZ006 |
Description: An unexpected I/O error was detected from a lower layer. When such I/O exceptions are caught, they are rethrown as SQL exceptions using the ERR_IO_EXCEPTION JZ006 sqlstate. These errors are often the result of network communication problems. If the I/O exception causes the database connection to be closed, jConnect chains a JZ0C1 exception to the JZ006. Client applications can look for the JZ0C1 exception in the chain to see if the connection is still usable. Action: Examine the text of the original I/O exception message, and proceed from there. |
JZ008 |
Description: You have requested a column index value of less than 1 or greater than the highest available value. Action: Check call to the getXXX method and the text of the original query, or be sure to call |
JZ009 |
Description: Some of the possibilities are:
Action: Make sure that the JDBC specification supports the attempted type conversion. Make sure that strings are correctly formatted. If a string contains non-numeric characters, do not attempt to convert it to a numeric type. |
JZ00B |
Description: You tried to send a BigInteger as a TDS numeric, and the value was too large, or you tried to send a Java long as an int and the value was too large. Action: These values cannot be stored in Sybase. For long, consider using a Sybase numeric. There is no solution for Bignum. |
JZ00C |
Description: When using the setBigDecimal method, the BigDecimal value has a precision or scale that exceeds the specified precision or scale. Action: Make sure that the specified precision and scale can accommodate the BigDecimal value. |
JZ00E |
Action: Do not try to call execute or executeUpdate on a statement that has a cursor name set. Use a separate statement to delete or update a cursor. See “Using cursors with result sets” for more information |
JZ00F |
Action: Do not set the cursor name twice for a statement. Close the result set of the current cursor statement. |
JZ00G |
Description: You attempted to update a row in which no column values were changed. Action: To change column values in a row, call updateXX methods before calling updateRow. |
JZ00H |
Action: To change a result set from read-only to updatable, use the Statement.setResultSetConcurrencyType method or add a for update clause to your SQL select statement. |
JZ00I |
Description: The scale value must be greater than zero. Action: Be sure the scale value is not negative. |
JZ00L |
Action: See message text; proceed according to the reason(s) given for the login failure. |
JZ00M |
Action: Follow the recommended actions in the error message. |
JZ010 |
Action: Make sure that the Java object from the database implements the Serializable interface and is in your local CLASSPATH variable. |
JZ011 |
Description: A noninteger value was specified for a numeric connection property. Action: Specify an integer value for the connection property. |
JZ012 |
Action: Contact Sybase Technical Support. |
JZ013 |
Action: Correct the JNDI URL, or make a new entry in the directory service. |
JZ014 |
Action: Check your application code, where it calls Connection.setTransactionIsolation, and verify the value you are passing to the method. |
JZ015 |
Action: Check the value to which you set the GSSMANAGER_CLASS property. |
Action: Verify that the parameter value in the method is correct. |
Message: Description: The client application has tried to call setFetchSize with an invalid number of rows. Action: Verify that you are calling setFetchSize with the parameter falling within the above range of values. |
Action: Examine your application code and check that you did not try to declare an output parameter in your batch. |
Description: You attempted to call a ResultSet method that is invalid for the current row position (for example, calling insertRow when the cursor is not on the insert row). Action: Do not attempt to call a ResultSet method that is invalid for the current row position. |
Action: Install or update the jConnect metadata stored procedures on your database with the latest versions. |
Description: You attempted to call a ResultSet method that is invalid for the type of ResultSet. Action: Do not attempt to call a ResultSet method that is invalid for the type of ResultSet. |
JZ0C0 |
Description: The application has already called Connection.close on this connection object; it cannot be used any more. Action: Fix the code so that connection object references are nulled out when a connection is closed. |
JZ0C1 |
Description: An unrecoverable IOException occurred that caused the connection to be closed. The connection cannot be used for any further database activity. If this exception occurs, it can always be found in an exception chain with the JZ006 Exception (explained earlier). Action: Determine the cause of the IOException that disrupted the connection. |
Action: Be sure to specify a CLASS_LOADER when setting PRELOAD_JARS to a non-null value. |
Description: As per the JDBC API, getUpdateCount should be called only once per result. Action: Be sure your code does not call getUpdateCount more than once per result. |
JZ0D4 |
Description: You specified a connection URL using a protocol other than TDS, which is the only protocol currently supported by jConnect. Action: Check the URL definition. If the URL specifies TDS as a subprotocol, make sure that the entry uses the following format and capitalization: jdbc:sybase:Tds:host:port If the URL specifies JNDI as a subprotocol, make sure that it starts with: jdbc:sybase:jndi: |
JZ0D5 |
Action: Check the settings for the CLASSPATH system variable. |
JZ0D6 |
Action: See message text. |
JZ0D7 |
Action: Check the JNDI URL to make sure it is correct. |
JZ0D8 |
Action: Check the JNDI URL to make sure it is correct. |
Action: Refer to the error message. |
Action: Please report this error to Sybase Technical Support. |
JZ0F1 |
Description: When you set the REQUEST_HA_SESSION connection property to "true," you must also specify a failover server. Action: You can specify the secondary server using the SECONDARY_SERVER_HOSTPORT connection property, or you can set the secondary server using JNDI (see “Implementing high availability failover support”). |
JZ0F2 |
Description: The back-end database server to which you were connected has gone down, but you have failed over to a secondary server. The database connection is still usable. Action: Client code should catch this exception, then restart the transaction from the last committed point. Assuming you properly handle the exception, you can continue executing JDBC calls on the same connection object. |
Action: See message text. |
Action: Make sure your CLASSPATH environment variable includes any .jar files required by your third-party GSSManager implementation. |
Action: Examine the major and minor error codes and messages. Check your Kerberos configuration. See Chapter 3, “Security” for more information. |
JZ0H0 |
Action: Please report this error to Sybase Technical Support. |
JZ0H1 |
Action: Please report this error to Sybase Technical Support. |
Description: A string that is supposed to represent a binary value contains a character that is not in the range (0–9, a–f) that is required for a hexadecimal number. Action: Check the character values in the string to make sure they are in the required range. |
JZ0I1 |
Description: The connection was unable to read the amount requested. Most likely, the statement timeout period was exceeded and the connection timed out. Action: Increase the statement timeout value. |
JZ0I2 |
Description: The connection was unable to write the output requested. Most likely, the statement time-out period was exceeded and the connection timed out. Action: Increase the statement time out value. |
JZ0I3 |
Action: Indicates an internal product problem. Please report this error to Sybase Technical Support. |
JZ0I5 |
Description: You specified an unsupported character set code for the CHARSET connection property. Action: Enter a valid character-set code for the connection property. See “jConnect character-set converters”. |
JZ0I6 |
Action: Choose a different character set code for the CHARSET connection property on the jConnect client that can support all the characters you need to send to the server. You may need to install a different character set on the server, too. Also, if you are using jConnect version 6.05 or later, and Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 or later, you can send your data to the server as unichar/univarchar datatypes. Please see “Using jConnect to pass Unicode data”. |
JZ0I7 |
Description: The Cascade or security gateway is not responding. Action: Be sure the gateway is properly installed and running. |
JZ0I8 |
Description: The Web server/gateway indicated by the PROXY connection property has refused your connection request. Action: Check the access and error logs on the proxy to determine why the connection was refused. Be sure the proxy is a JDBC gateway. |
JZ0I9 |
Description: You tried to read an InputStream obtained from getAsciiStream, getUnicodeStream, or getBinaryStream, but the InputStream was already closed. The stream may have been closed because you moved to another column or cancelled the result set and there were not enough resources to cache the data. Action: Increase the cache size or read columns in order. |
Description: There was a truncation error on character set conversion prior to sending a string. The converted string is longer than the size allocated for it. Action: Choose a different character-set code for the CHARSET connection property on the jConnect client that can support all the characters you need to send to the server. You may need to install a different character set on the server, too. |
Action: Remove the getXXX call on the ResultSet column which you updated using a Reader. |
Description: After updating a column in a result set, you attempted to read the updated column value using one of the following SybResultSet methods: getAsciiStream, getUnicodeStream, getBinaryStream. jConnect does not support this usage. Action: Do not attempt to fetch input streams from columns you are updating. |
JZ0J0 |
Action: Verify that the offset and/or length values you used are correct. |
Description: The application tried to call one of the ResultSet cursor scrolling methods on a ResultSet which was created with a language cursor. Action: See the error message. |
Description: You can only call wasNull after a call to get a column, such as getInt or getBinaryStream. Action: Change the code to move the call to wasNull. |
Action: Check the format of the URL. Make sure that the port number consists only of numeric characters. |
Action: See message text. |
JZ0P1 |
Description: The database has returned a result that the statement cannot return to the application, or that the application is not expecting at this point. This generally indicates that the application is using JDBC incorrectly to execute the query or stored procedure. If the JDBC application is connected to an Open Server application, it may indicate an error in the Open Server application that causes the Open Server to send unexpected sequences of results. Action: Use the com.sybase.utils.Debug(true, “ALL”) debugging tools to try to determine what unexpected result is seen, and to understand its causes. |
JZ0P4 |
Action: See message text. |
JZ0P7 |
Description: With the REPEAT_READ connection property set to "false," an attempt was made to reread a column or read a column in the wrong order. When REPEAT_READ is "false," you can only read the column value for a row once, and you can only read columns in ascending column-index order. For example, after reading column 3 for a row, you cannot read its value a second time and you cannot read column 2 for the row. Action: Either set REPEAT_READ to "true," or do not attempt to reread a column value and be sure that you read columns in ascending column-index order. |
JZ0P8 |
Description: jConnect cannot determine the name of a column type in the ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName method. Action: Be sure that your database has the most recent stored procedures for metadata. |
JZ0P9 |
Description: The query you executed returned COMPUTE results, which are not supported by jConnect. Action: Change your query or stored procedure so it does not use COMPUTE BY. |
Description: A cancel was probably issued by another statement on the connection. Action: Check the chain of SQL exceptions and warnings on this and other statements to determine the cause. |
Description: When jConnect creates a connection with a server, it informs the server of capabilities it wants supported, and the server informs jConnect of the capabilities that it supports. This error message is sent when an application requests an operation that was denied in the original capabilities negotiation. For example, if the database does not support precompilation of dynamic SQL statements, and your code invokes SybConnection.prepareStatement(sql_stmt, dynamic), and dynamic is set to "true," jConnect generates this message. Action: Modify your code so that it does not request an unsupported capability. |
Description: You are trying to execute a statement with a large number of parameters, and the server is not configured to handle that many parameters. The number of parameters that can produce this exception varies, depending on the datatypes of the data you are sending. You never get this exception if you are sending 481 or fewer parameters. Action: You must run this query against an Adaptive Server 12.5 or later server. When you connect to the database, set the JCONNECT_VERSION property to “6”. |
Description: You are trying to execute a dynamic prepared statement with a large number of parameters, and the server is not configured to handle that many parameters. Action: You must run this query against an Adaptive Server 12.5 or later server. When you connect to the database, set the JCONNECT_VERSION property to “6”. |
Description: This error can occur when your SELECT statement tries to return data from more than 255 columns, or when the actual length of the SELECT statement is very large (greater than approximately 65500 characters). Action: You must run this query against a version 12.5 or later Adaptive Server. When you connect to the database, set the JCONNECT_VERSION property to “6”. |
Action: Check the port number that is specified in the database URL. |
JZ0R0 |
Description: The ResultSet.close method has already been called on the result set object; you cannot use the result set for anything else. Action: Fix the code so that ResultSet object references are set to null whenever a result set is closed. |
JZ0R1 |
Description: The application has called one of the ResultSet.getXXX column-data retrieval methods, but there is no current row; the application has not called, or returned false to indicate that there is no data. Action: Verify that is set to true before calling rs.getXXX. |
JZ0R2 |
Description: You used Statement.executeQuery, but the statement returned no rows. Action: Use executeUpdate for statements returning no rows. |
JZ0R3 |
Action: See message text. |
JZ0R4 |
Description: You cannot update a text/image column if it is null. A null text/image column does not contain a text pointer. Action: Be sure that you are not trying to update or get a text pointer to a column that does not support text/image data. Be sure that you are not trying to update a text/image column that is null. Insert data first, then make the update. |
JZ0R5 |
Description: The application has moved the ResultSet row pointer beyond the last row. In this position, there is no data to read, so any get* operations are illegal. Action: Alter the code so that it does not attempt to read column data when the ResultSet is positioned beyond the last row. |
Description: An application is trying to retrieve data from a row that has been deleted. There is no valid data to be retrieved. Action: Alter the code so that the application does not attempt to retrieve data from a deleted row. |
Description: After updating a row in the database with SybCursorResult.updateRow, or deleting it with SybCursorResult.deleteRow, you used SybCursorResult.refreshRow to refresh the row from the database. Action: Do not attempt to refresh a row after updating it or deleting it from the database. |
JZ0S0 |
Description: The only time this error is raised is from the Statement.setCursorname method, if the application is trying to set the cursor name when the statement is already in use and has noncursor results that need to be read. Action: Set the cursor name on a statement before you execute any queries on it, or call Statement.cancel before setting the cursor name, to make sure that the statement is not busy. |
JZ0S1 |
Description: An internal error occurred on the statement. Action: Close the statement and open another one. |
JZ0S2 |
Description: The Statement.close method has already been called on the statement object; you cannot use the statement for anything else. Action: Fix the application so that statement object references are set to null whenever a statement is closed. |
JZ0S3 |
Description: PreparedStatement does not support executeQuery(String), executeUpdate(String), or execute(String). Action: To pass a query string, use Statement, not PreparedStatement. |
JZ0S4 |
Action: Do not execute an empty query (““). |
JZ0S5 |
Description: This exception can occur when using distributed transactions. Action: See Chapter 7, “Distributed Transactions,” in the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package (formerly the JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API) for more information on diagnosing the problem. |
JZ0S6 |
Description: This exception can occur when using distributed transactions. Action: See Chapter 7, “Distributed Transactions,” in the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package(formerly the JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API) for more information on diagnosing the problem. |
JZ0S8 |
Description: This error results from bad escape syntax. Action: Check JDBC documentation for correct syntax. |
JZ0S9 |
Action: Do not execute an empty query (““). |
Action: Be sure that each input parameter has a value. |
Description: You have attempted to get, set, or register a parameter that goes beyond the maximum number of parameters. Action: Check the number of parameters in your query. |
Description: You have prepared a call to a stored procedure that returns a status, but you are trying to set parameter 1, which is the return status. Action: Parameters that you can set start at 2 with this type of call. |
Description: This indicates an application logic error. You attempted to call getXXX or wasNull on a parameter, but you have not read any parameters yet, or there are no output parameters. Action: Check to make sure that the application has registered output parameters on the CallableStatement, that the statement has been executed, and that the output parameters were read. |
Description: Illegal type argument passed to PreparedStatement.setObject. Action: Check the JDBC documentation. The argument must be a constant from java.sql.Types. |
Description: You tried to set a parameter on a statement with no parameters. Action: Make sure the query has been sent before you set the parameters. |
Description: This error occurs if you call CallableStatement.registerOutParam for more parameters than you declared as “OUTPUT” parameters in the stored procedure. See “RPC returns fewer output parameters than registered” for more information. Action: Check your stored procedures and registerOutParameter calls. Make sure that you have declared all of the appropriate parameters as “OUTPUT.” Look at the line of code that reads:
Action: Install metadata accessor information before using static function escapes. |
Action: Do not use this escape. |
Action: Install metadata information before making metadata calls. |
Action: Read the error message. Also, install the latest version of the jConnect metadata. |
Description: The application has declared a parameter to be of a type that jConnect does not support. Action: If possible, try declaring the parameter to be of a different type. Do not use Types.NULL or PreparedStatement.setObject (null). |
Action: Use a positive value or zero (unlimited) when calling setMaxFieldSize. |
Action: Check that your declared concurrency is either ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE. |
Action: Check that your declared ResultSet type is ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE. jConnect does not support the ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE ResultSet type. |
Description: When calling the DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs method, jConnect throws this exception if the user-defined type is not either Types.JAVA_OBJECT, Types.STRUCT or Types.DISTINCT. Action: Use one of the three UDTs mentioned above. |
Action: Use a positive value or zero (unlimited) when calling setMaxRows. |
Description: Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere have different allowable ranges for datetime and date values. datetime values must have years greater or equal to 1753. The date datatype, however, can hold years greater or equal to 1. Action: Make sure that the date/timestamp value you are sending falls in the acceptable range. |
JZ0T2 |
Action: Check your network communications. |
JZ0T3 |
Description: The time allotted to read the response to a query was exceeded. Action: Increase the timeout period by calling Statement.setQueryTimeout. |
JZ0T4 |
Description: The time allotted to send a request was exceeded. Action: Increase the timeout period by calling Statement.setQueryTimeout. |
JZ0T5 |
Action: Use default or larger value for the STREAM_CACHE_SIZE connection property. |
JZ0T6 |
Description: The tunneled protocol failed while reading the URL header. Action: Check the URL you defined for the connection. |
JZ0T7 |
Action: Check the network connections and try to run the application again. If the threads continue to be aborted, please contact Sybase Technical Support. |
JZ0T8 |
JZ0T9 |
Action: See message text. |
Description: Conversion between a Java type and a SQL type failed. Action: Check the requested type conversion to make sure it is supported in the JDBC specification. |
Description: The database column datatype and the datatype requested in theResultSet.getXXX call are not implicitly convertible. Action: Use one of the valid datatypes listed in the error message. |
Description: This kind of exception can occur, for example, if an application tries to call ResultSet.getObject(int, Types.DATE) on a time value that is returned from the database. Action: Make sure that the database datatype is implicitly convertible to the Object type you wish to retrieve. |
Description: This exception occurs when there is a socket read timeout. Action: Increase the timeout period by calling Statement.setQueryTimeout. Also, check the query or stored procedure you are executing to determine why it is taking longer than expected. |
Description: The application specified a string that was longer than the length that the application wanted to send. Therefore, the string is truncated to the declared length. Action: Set the length properly to avoid truncation. |
Action: See message text. |
Description: The metadata information indicates that the server supports distributed transactions, but jConnect does not support the protocol being used. Action: Verify that you have installed the latest metadata scripts. If the error persists, please contact Sybase Technical Support. |
Description: The server to which jConnect attempted a connection does not support distributed transactions. Action: Do not use XADataSource with this server, or upgrade or configure the server for distributed transactions. |
Description: The user connected to the database is not authorized to conduct distributed transactions, most likely because the user does not have the proper role (shown in the blank). Action: Grant the user the role shown in the error message, or have another user with that role conduct the transaction. |
S0022 |
Description: You attempted to reference a column by name and there is no column with that name. Action: Check the spelling of the column name. |
ZZ00A |
Description: You attempted to use a method that is not implemented. Action: Check the release bulletin that came with your version of jConnect for further information. You can also check the jConnect Web page to see whether a more recent version of jConnect implements the method. If not, do not use the method. |