OLE Automation provides a way to communicate with PowerDesigner from another application using the COM architecture. You can write a program using any language that supports COM, such as Word or Excel macros, VB, C++, or PowerBuilder.You can create executables that call PowerDesigner or add-ins that are called by PowerDesigner.
Dim PD As PdCommon.Application Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application") 'Enter script here 'Once script is finished, release PD object Set PD = NothingIf PowerDesigner is currently running, this instance will be used; otherwise a new instance will be launched. If you do not specify a version number, the most recent version is used. To specify a specific version, use the syntax:
Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application.version")
Dim cls as PdOOM.ClassIf your model contains shortcuts, we recommend that you use the following syntax to avoid runtime errors when the target model is closed:
Dim obj as PdCommon.IdentifiedObject
Dim cls as PdOOM.Class Set cls = model.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Class)For C# and VB.NET, you can use the following syntax (where PdOOM_Classes is the name of the enumeration):
Dim cls As PdOOM.Class Set cls = model.CreateObject(PdOOM.PdOOM_Classes.cls_Class)For other languages such as JavaScript or PowerBuilder, you have to define constants that represent the objects you want to create. For a complete list of class ID constants, see file VBScriptConstants.vbs in the PowerDesigner OLE Automation directory.
'* Purpose: This script displays the number of classes defined in an OOM in the output window. Option Explicit ' Main function Sub VBTest() ' Defined the PowerDesigner Application object Dim PD As PdCommon.Application ' Get the PowerDesigner Application object Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application") ' Get the current active model Dim model As PdCommon.BaseModel Set model = PD.ActiveModel If model Is Nothing Then MsgBox "There is no current model." ElsIf Not model.IsKindOf(PdOOM.cls_Model) Then MsgBox "The current model is not an OOM model." Else ' Display the number of classes Dim nbClass nbClass = Model.Classes.Count PD.Output "The model '" + model.Name + "' contains " + CStr(nbClass) + " classes." ' Create a new OOM Dim model2 As PdOOM.Class Set model2 = PD.CreateModel(PdOOM.cls_Model) If Not model2 Is Nothing Then ' Copy the author name model2.Author = Model.Author ' Display a message in the output window PD.Output "Successfully created the model '" + model2.Name + "'." Else MsgBox "Cannot create an OOM." End If End If ' Release the PowerDesigner Application object Set PD = Nothing End Sub
OLE Automation samples for different languages are provided in the OLE Automation directory within your PowerDesigner installation directory.