You enter the script of the custom check in the Check Script tab using VBScript. In this example, we will write a script to verify that Sybase IQ indexes of type HG, HNG, CMP, or LF are not linked with columns with a data type of VARCHAR with a length higher than 255.
Function %Check%(obj)At run-time the variable %Check% is replaced by concatenating the names of the resource file, metaclass, any stereotypes or criteria, and the name of the check itself from the General tab, with any spaces replaced by an underscore. The parameter obj contains the object being checked.
Dim c 'temporary index column Dim col 'temporary column Dim position Dim DT_col
%Check%= True if obj.type = "LF" or obj.type = "HG" or obj.type = "CMP" or obj.type ="HNG" then for each c in obj.indexcolumns set col = c.column position = InStr(col.datatype,"(") if position <> 0 then DT_col = left(col.datatype, position -1) else DT_col = col.datatype end if if ucase(DT_col) = "VARCHAR" and col.length > 255 then output "Table " & & " Column " & & " : Data type is not compatible with Index " & & " type " & obj.type %Check% = False end if
For more information about using VBScript in PowerDesigner, see Scripting PowerDesigner.