Manipulating the Content of a Workspace by Script

You can also manipulate the content of a workspace using the following items:

  • The WorkspaceDocument that corresponds to the documents you can add to a workspace. It contains the WorkspaceModel (models attached to a workspace) and the WorkspaceFile (external files attached to the workspace)

  • The WorkspaceFolder that corresponds to the folders of the workspace. You can create, delete and rename them. You can also add documents to folders.

You can use the AddDocument(ByVal filename As String, ByVal position As Long = -1) As BaseObject method on the WorkspaceFolder to add documents to the workspace.

Example of a workspace manipulation:

Option Explicit
' Close existing workspace and save it to Temp
Dim workspace, curentFolder
Set workspace = ActiveWorkspace
workspace.Load "%_EXAMPLES%\mywsp.sws"
Output "Saving current workspace to ""Example directory : "+EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\temp.sws")
workspace.Save "%_EXAMPLES%\Temp.SWS"
workspace.Name = "VBS WSP"
workspace.FileName = "VBSWSP.SWS"
workspace.Load "%_EXAMPLES%\Temp.SWS"
dim Item, subitem
for each Item in workspace.children
 If item.IsKindOf(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceFolder) Then 
  ShowFolder (item)
  renameFolder item,"FolderToRename", "RenamedFolder" 
  deleteFolder item,"FolderToDelete"
  curentFolder = item
 ElsIf item.IsKindOf(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceModel) Then  
 ElsIf item.IsKindOf(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceFile) Then  
 End if  
 Dim subfolder
'insert folder in root
 Set subfolder = workspace.Children.CreateNew(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceFolder) = "Newfolder(VBS)"
 'insert folder in root at pos 6
 Set subfolder = workspace.Children.CreateNewAt(5, PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceFolder) = "Newfolder(VBS)insertedAtPos5"'
 ' add a new folder in this folder
 Set subfolder = subfolder.Children.CreateNew(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceFolder) = "NewSubFolder(VBS)"
 subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\pdmrep.rtf")
 subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\cdmrep.rtf")
 subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\project.pdm")
 subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\demo.oom")
 dim lastmodel
 set lastmodel = subfolder.AddDocument (EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\Ordinateurs.fem")) = "Computers"
 'detaching model from workspace
workspace.Save "%_EXAMPLES%\Final.SWS"