Extended Collection/Composition Properties

You specify the properties for an extended collection or composition by selecting its entry in the resource editor.




Specifies the name of the extended collection.


Specifies the display name of the collection, which will appear in the PowerDesigner interface.


Describes the extended collection.

Inverse Name

[extended collection only] Specifies the name to appear in the Dependencies tab of the target metaclass. If you do not enter a value, an inverse name is automatically generated.

Target Type

Specifies the metaclass whose instances will appear in the collection.

For extended collections, the list displays only metaclasses that can be directly instantiated in the current model or package, such as classes or tables, and not sub-objects such as class attributes or table columns. Click the Select a Metaclass tool to the right of this field to choose a metaclass from another type of model.

For extended compositions, only the ExtendedSubObject is available, and you must specify a stereotype for it.

Target Stereotype

[required for extended compositions] Specifies a stereotype to filter the target type. You can select an existing stereotype from the list or enter a new one.

List Columns

Specifies the property columns that will be displayed by default in the parent object property sheet tab associated with the collection. Click the Customize Default Columns tool to the right of this field to add or remove columns.

When you open a model containing extended collections or compositions and associate it with a resource file that does not support them, the collections are still visible in the different property sheets in order to let you delete objects in the collections no longer supported.