Physical Option Syntax

If physical options are supported for an object, they are stored in the Options entry beneath the object in the Script/Object category of the DBMS resource file.

For more information, see Common object items. Default values are stored in the DefOptions entry.

During generation, the options selected in the model for each object are stored as a SQL string in the %OPTIONS% variable, which must appear at the end of the Create statement of the object, and cannot be followed by anything else. The following example uses the correct syntax:

create table

During reverse engineering by script, the section of the SQL query determined as being the physical options is stored in %OPTIONS%, and will then be parsed when required by an object property sheet.

During live database reverse engineering, the SqlOptsQuery SQL statement is executed to retrieve the physical options which is stored in %OPTIONS% to be parsed when required by an object property sheet.

You can use PowerDesigner variables (see PDM Variables) to set physical options for an object. For example, in Oracle, you can set the following variable for a cluster to make the cluster take the same name as the table.

Cluster %TABLE%