The Settings category contains the following items used to control the data types, constants, namings, and events categories used to customize and manage BPM generation features:
Implementation – [executable BPM only] Gathers options that influence the process implementation possibilities. The following constants are defined by default:
LoopTypeList - This list defines the type of loop supported by the language. The value must be an integer
OperationTypeList - This list defines the type of operation supported by the language. An unsupported operation type cannot be associated with a process. The value must be an integer
EnableEmissionCorrelation - enables the definition of a correlation for an emitted message
EnableProcessReuse - allows a process to be implemented by another process
AutomaticInvokeMode - indicates if the action type of a process implemented by an operation can be automatically deducted from the operation type. You can specify:
0 (default) - the action type cannot be deduced and must be specified
1 - the language enforces a Request-Response and a One-Way operation to be received by the process and a Solicit-Response and a Notification operation to be invoked by the process
2 the language ensures that a Solicit-Response and a Notification operation are always received by the process while Request-Response and One-Way operations are always invoked by the process
DataHandling - [executable BPM only] Gathers options for managing data in the language. The following constant values are defined by default:
EnableMessageOnFlow - indicates if a message format can be associated to a flow or not. The default value is Yes
EnableMessageVariable - enables a variable object to store the whole content of a message format. In this case, the message format objects will appear in the data type combo box of the variable
Choreography - Gathers objects that allow the design of the graph of activities (start, end, decision, synchronization, transition...) Contains the following constant values defined by default:
EnableMultipleStarts - When set to No, ensures that no more than one start is defined under a composite process
EnableTopLevelChoreography - When set to No, ensures that no flow or choreography object (start, end, decision...) is defined directly under the model or a package. These objects can be defined only under a composite process