When working with a BPM, PDM, OOM, or XSM, you can open the definition file that controls the objects available in your model in the Resource Editor for viewing and editing. You can also open and edit any extension files currently attached to or embedded in your model or access the appropriate list of resource files and open any PowerDesigner resource file.
To open any extension file currently attached to your model, double-click its entry inside the Extensions category in the Browser.
To open any other resource file, select Properties tool.
to open the relevant resource file list, select a file in the list, and then click theIn each case, the file opens in the Resource Editor, in which you can review and edit the structure of the resource. The left-hand pane shows a tree view of the entries contained within the resource file, and the right-hand pane displays the properties of the currently-selected element:
You should never modify the resource files shipped with PowerDesigner. If you want to modify a file, create a copy using the New tool (see Creating and Copying Resource Files).
Each entry is a part of the definition of a resource file, and entries are organized into logical categories. For example, the Script category in a DBMS language file collects together all the entries relating to database generation and reverse engineering.
You can drag and drop categories or entries in the tree view of the resource editor and also between two resource editors of the same type (for example two XOL editors).