Entries in the libtcl.cfg file are in human-readable format. SAP ASE provides a pwdcrypt utility for basic password encryption. pwdcrypt is a simple algorithm that, when applied to keyboard input, generates an encrypted value that can be substituted for the password. pwdcrypt is located in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\bin.
From the %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS% directory, enter:
Enter your password twice when prompted.
Copy and paste the encrypted password into the libtcl.cfg file using any standard ASCII-text editor. Before encryption, the file entry appears as:
ldap=libsybdldap.dll ldap://ldaphost/dc=sybase,dc=com??one??bindname=uid=Manager,dc=sybase, dc=com?password
Replace the password with the encrypted string:
ldap=libsybdldap.dll ldap://ldaphost/dc=sybase,dc=com??one??bindname=uid=Manager,dc=sybase,dc=com? 0x01312a775ab9d5c71f99f05f7712d2cded2i8d0ae1ce78868d0e8669313d1bc4c706