Use the Control Panel to set up the server as an automatic service.
In Windows Services at Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Scroll through the list of available services until you find the listings for
your SAP ASE servers.
Server names use this format:
SAP typeServer _
where servername is the name of the SAP ASE
and type and _suffix represent the server type:
BCK and _BS – Backup Server
XP and _XP – XP Server
Double-click SAP ASE, or right-click SAP ASE service entry and select
Select Automatic as the start-up type.
Click Close.
The selected server now starts automatically each time you
restart the computer. You can verify the status of the server by
examining the status column in the Services applet.
See your Windows documentation or online help for more information
about setting up automatic services.