Additional start-up parameters include any valid server command line options listed for
the sqlsvr and bcksrvr descriptions.
Log in to Windows using an account with Windows
administrator privileges.
Start Server Config at Start > Programs > SAP > Adaptive Server
Enterprise > Server Config.
Select the SAP ASE or Backup Server icon to
indicate the type of server to configure.
Select Configure SAP ASE or Configure Backup Server
to display a list of available servers on your system.
Select the name of the server to configure, and choose Continue.
If you are configuring SAP ASE, enter the login name and password of a user
with system administrator privileges, and choose Continue.
If SAP ASE is not running, Server Config asks you to start it now; choose
Select Command Line.
Edit the text in the Command Line Parameters box to
include the additional start-up parameters and values you require.
Do not specify the default command line parameters. For details about available
command line parameters, see sqlsvr and bcksrvr in the Utility Guide for your
Choose OK.
Choose Save in the server’s configuration dialog box.