Data Unloading and Loading

Part of subscription materialization is unloading subscription data from the primary table so it can be loaded into the replicate table.

Subscription data is the data in the primary table that is requested by the subscription.

Unload Utilities

Data-unloading utilities are usually provided with the primary data server software. You can use one of the OEM-supplied unloading utilities or a database unload utility of your choice.

Load Utilities

If you are using Adaptive Server Enterprise as the data server for your replicate database, you can use bcp to load subscription data into the replicate database. If you are using a non-Sybase data server as the data server for your replicate database, you can use the load utility of your choice to load subscription data into the replicate database.

See Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Utility Programs for more information about using bcp to load subscription data into a replicate database in Adaptive Server Enterprise.