Replication Agent Logs

The Replication Agent system log files contain warning and error messages, as well as information about the Replication Agent connections to the primary database and the primary Replication Server.

Look for the most recent command you executed at the bottom of the log file to find the most recent message. The logs are located in the $SYBASE/RAX-15_5/inst_name/log directory, where inst_name is the name of the Replication Agent instance.

This is sample output from an Oracle instance log file:

T. 2012/11/16 10:23:13.482 LogMinerScanner Scanner <LogMinerScanner> start scan locator = 0000000000145d8d0000000100000049000000000000000000145d8d00000000
I. 2012/11/16 10:23:13.482 INFORMATION      LOB Cache initialized.
T. 2012/11/16 10:23:13.497 LogMinerScanner   Scanner <LogMinerScanner_1> start SCN = 1334669
I. 2012/11/16 10:23:14.200 INFORMATION     com.sybase.ra.ltm.LTM                         Replication Agent changed to <REPLICATING> state.
I. 2012/11/16 10:23:14.356 INFORMATION     com.sybase.ra.conn.RAConnectionMgr            Attempting connection to URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@tomservo:1521:oradb112: 
W. 2012/11/16 10:23:15.637 WARNING LogMiner <UNKNOWN> operation has invalid operation content: OPID <0x0000.00145e65.0000:0001.00000049.0000007a.0148>, Timestamp <2012-11-16 10:22:00.0>, XID <0x0002.000c.00000382>, Serial# <531>, Session# <146>, Session Info <UNKNOWN>, User Name <UNKNOWN>, Object ID <0>, REL_FILE# <0>, DATA_BLK# <0>, DATA_OBJD#<0>, Operation <N/A>, Op Code <54> Rollback <0> SSN <0> CSF <0> SQL Redo <N/A>
Note: In some cases, the information in a specific column is not consistent with these descriptions. In these cases, other information is generated that Technical Support uses to determine from where the message was generated.
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