Replication Agent Instance Creation

After you install the Replication Agent software, you must create one instance of the Replication Agent for each primary database that you want to replicate transactions from.

Each Replication Agent instance is an independent process, with its own instance directories to contain its configuration file, system log files, and script files. In addition, each Replication Agent instance creates some tables and stored procedures in the primary database. Replication Agents for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server also create objects in the Replication Agent System Database (RASD). Each Replication Agent instance manages its own connections to the primary data server, primary Replication Server, and RSSD.

When you create a Replication Agent instance, you must specify:

You can create and run more than one Replication Agent instance on a single host machine, but each instance must have a unique name and a unique port number.

Related tasks
Creating a Replication Agent Instance Using the Command Line
Creating an Instance with a Resource File
Related reference