Windows Client Connections

To run the sample queries on Windows, start the Sybase Central network client, and connect to the demo database.

Ask your DBA or System Administrator to:
  • Install the Sybase IQ Client Suite on your workstation.
  • Create and start the demo database. The demo database is installed as part of the Sybase IQ Server Suite. Instructions for starting iqdemo.db appear in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • Create an account that allows you to access the demo database. To recreate the sample queries, your account must include the authority to access GROUPO tables.
  1. Click Start > Programs > Sybase > Sybase Central.
  2. Click OK on the Connect dialog.
    If Sybase Central cannot connect to a server at startup, the Connect dialog displays an error. This step clears the message and lets you specify the connection parameters.
  3. On the Connection dialog, click the Database tab, then click Find.
  4. Choose iqdemo from the Servers dialog.
  5. On the Identification tab, enter your User ID and Password.
    Get your login credentials from the system administrator. If your administrator does not create a login for you, use the defaults. The default User ID is dba; the default password is sql and is case-sensitive.
  6. On the Network tab, enter the Host name and Port number.
    Get these values from your system administrator; the default port number is 2638.