To run the sample queries on UNIX-like operating systems, start the Sybase Central network client, and connect to the demo database.
Ask your DBA or system administrator to:
- Install the Sybase IQ Client Suite on your workstation. Make sure that your environment is set properly.
- Create and start the demo database. The demo database is installed as part of the Sybase IQ Server Suite. Instructions for starting iqdemo.db appear in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
- Create an account that allows you to access the demo database. To recreate the sample queries, your account must include the authority to access GROUPO tables.
Task- From a console, change to $IQDIR15/bin64.
- Close the Welcome Screen.
- Click .
- On the Connection dialog, click the Database tab, then click Find.
- Choose iqdemo from the Servers dialog.
- On the Identification tab, enter your User ID and Password.
Get your login credentials from the system administrator. If your administrator does not create a login for you, use the defaults. The default User ID is dba; the default Password is sql and is case-sensitive.
- On the Network tab, enter the host name and Port number.
Get these values from the system administrator. The default port number is 2638.