Choosing an IQ server

When you start the database creation wizard, the first dialog prompts you to select and define the server options you want to use. A running Sybase IQ server is needed to create a new Sybase IQ database. If no running server is available, you can use an IQ Agent to start a utility server to create the database.

After you select the server you want to use, click Next to move to the next dialog.

Select an IQ server

Create Administrative Shell Script

This option generates a Create Database statement based on the information that you provide. Sybase Central names this script CreateDb.sql and stores the file in the database directory.

Starting the new database automatically

After you create a new Sybase IQ database, Sybase Central can start a Sybase IQ server automatically and connect to the database.

Click the Startup the New Database Automatically check box to enable this option. Note that starting an IQ server requires that a running IQ Agent process be on the destination host.

If you choose to create the database but not start it, Sybase Central starts the Utility Server long enough to create the database, then shuts it down.

Identifying a running server

Creating a database requires an IQ server. To identify the server you want to use, do one of the following:

NoteOn Windows, the IQ Agent starts automatically when the machine is rebooted right after installation and at each subsequent reboot. On UNIX systems, you can configure it to start automatically also.