sp_iqspaceinfo Procedure

Displays the number of blocks used by each object in the current database and the name of the dbspace in which the object is located.


sp_iqspaceinfo [‘main 
| [table table-name | index index-name] [...] ‘] 

Applies to

Simplex and multiplex.


Requires the MANAGE ANY DBSPACE system privilege. Users without the MANAGE ANY DBSPACE system privilege must be granted EXECUTE permission.


For the current database, displays the object name, number of blocks used by each object, and the name of the dbspace. sp_iqspaceinfo requires no parameters.

The information returned by sp_iqspaceinfo is helpful in managing dbspaces.

If run on a multiplex database, the default parameter is main, which returns the size of the shared IQ store.

If you supply no parameter, you must have at least one user-created object, such as a table, to receive results.


This output is from the sp_iqspaceinfo stored procedure run on the iqdemo database. Output for some tables and indexes are removed from this example.

             Name                            NBlocks    dbspace_name
Contacts                                      19       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
SalesOrderItems.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T205_C5_FP       56       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Contacts.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T206_C10_FP             55       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Contacts.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T206_C1_FP              61       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Contacts.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T206_C9_FP              55       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Contacts.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T206_I11_HG             19       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Customers                                     20       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Customers.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T207_C1_FP             61       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Customers.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T207_C2_FP             55       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Customers.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T207_I10_HG            19       IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN 
Related reference
sp_iqindexinfo Procedure
sp_iqdbspace Procedure
sp_iqdbspaceinfo Procedure