These topics provide detailed descriptions of the language elements and
conventions of SAP Sybase IQ SQL.
Each SQL statement contains one or more keywords.
Identifiers are names of objects in the database, such as user IDs, tables, and columns.
Strings are either literal strings, or expressions with CHAR or VARCHAR data types.
Expressions are formed from several different kinds of elements, such as constants, column names, SQL operators, and subqueries.
Search Conditions
Conditions are used to choose a subset of the rows from a table, or in a control statement such as an IF statement to determine control of flow.
Special Values
Special values can be used in expressions, and as column defaults when creating tables.
SAP Sybase IQ supports local variables, connection-level variables, and global variables.
Use comments to attach explanatory text to SQL statements or statement blocks. The database server does not execute comments.
NULL Value
Use NULL to specify a value that is unknown, missing, or not applicable.
Created May 22, 2013. Send feedback on this help topic to Technical Publications: