sp_iqrlvmemory Procedure

Monitors RLV store memory usage per table.


sp_iqrlvmemory (table_name, [ table_owner ])


Requires the MONITOR system privilege. Users without the MONITOR system privilege must be granted EXECUTE permission to run the stored procedure.


Version-specific data, such as version bitmaps and on-demand indexes, are not included in RLV memory accounting.  They do not count against the RLV memory limit, and are not reported in sp_iqrlvmemory.

The table owner and table name are optional. Specify the table owner and/or table name to limit the scope.


sp_iqrlvmemory outputs one row per table consuming RLV store memory, with the following output columns:
Column Name Description
table_id ID of the table this row represents.
fragments Number of store fragments for this table.
total Total RLV store memory used by this table.
data RLV store memory used for the column fragments for this table.
dictionary RLV store memory used for the dictionaries for this table.
bitmap RLV store memory used to store table-level bitmaps.

Example 1

sp_iqrlvmemory ‘rlv_table1’, ‘DBA’