Transact-SQL Compatibility Views

Adaptive Server Enterprise and Sybase IQ have different system catalogs, reflecting the different uses for the two products.

In Adaptive Server Enterprise, there is a single master database containing a set of system tables holding information that applies to all databases on the server. Many databases may exist within the master database, and each has additional system tables associated with it.

In Sybase IQ, each database exists independently, and contains its own system tables. There is no master database that contains system information on a collection of databases. Each server may run several databases at a time, dynamically loading and unloading each database as needed.

The Adaptive Server Enterprise and Sybase IQ system catalogs are different. The Adaptive Server Enterprise system tables and views are owned by the special user dbo, and exist partly in the master database, partly in the sybsecurity database, and partly in each individual database; the Sybase IQ system tables and views are owned by the special user SYS and exist separately in each database.

To assist in preparing compatible applications, Sybase IQ provides a set of views owned by the special user dbo, which correspond to the Adaptive Server Enterprise system tables and views. Where architectural differences make the contents of a particular Adaptive Server Enterprise table or view meaningless in a Sybase IQ context, the view is empty, containing only the column names and data types.

These topics list the Adaptive Server Enterprise system tables and their implementation in the Sybase IQ system catalog. The owner of all tables is dbo in each DBMS.

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ASE T-SQL Compatibility Views