sp_iqversionuse Procedure

Displays version usage for the IQ main store.




DBA authority required. Users without DBA authority must be granted EXECUTE permission to run the stored procedure.


The sp_iqversionuse system stored procedure helps troubleshoot situations where the databases uses excessive storage space due to multiple table versions.

If out-of-space conditions occur or sp_iqstatus shows a high percentage of main blocks in use on a multiplex server, run sp_iqversionuse to find out which versions are being used and the amount of space that can be recovered by releasing versions.

The amount of space is expressed as a range because the actual amount typically depends on which other versions are released. The actual amount of space released can be anywhere between the values of MinKBRelease and MaxKBRelease. The oldest version always has MinKBRelease equal to MaxKBRelease.

WasReported indicates whether version usage information has been sent from the secondary server to the coordinator. WasReported is 0 initially on a coordinator for new versions. WasReported changes to 1 once the database server replicates version usage information back to the coordinator.

Note: The WasReported column is used in a multiplex setting. For more information on multiplex, see Using Sybase IQ Multiplex.
sp_iqversionuse columns

Column name



In simplex databases, the VersionID is displayed as zero. For the multiplex coordinator, the VersionID is the same as the TxnID of the active transaction and VersionID is the same as the CmtID of a committed transaction. In multiplex secondary servers, the VersionID is the CmtID of the transaction that created the database version on the multiplex coordinator. It is used internally by the Sybase IQ in-memory catalog and the IQ transaction manager to uniquely identify a database version to all nodes within a multiplex database.


The server to which users of this version are connected


The connection ID using this version


Indicates whether the server has received usage information for this version


The minimum amount of space returned once this version is no longer in use


The maximum amount of space returned once this version is no longer in use


The following table illustrates sample output from the sp_iqversionuse system procedure:

VersionID Server        IQConnID WasReported 
========= ======        ======== =========== 
        0 ab2ab_iqdemo         9           0 

MinKBRelease  MaxKBRelease
============  ============
           0             0
Related reference
sp_iqstatus Procedure
sp_iqtransaction Procedure