Data Type Conversions

Type conversions happen automatically, or you can explicitly request them using the CAST or CONVERT function.


If a string is used in a numeric expression or as an argument to a function expecting a numeric argument, the string is converted to a number before use.

If a number is used in a string expression or as a string function argument, then the number is converted to a string before use.

All date constants are specified as strings. The string is automatically converted to a date before use.

There are certain cases where the automatic data type conversions are not appropriate.

'12/31/90' + 5 -- Tries to convert the string to a number
'a' > 0        -- Tries to convert 'a' to a number

You can use the CAST or CONVERT function to force type conversions.

The following functions can also be used to force type conversions:

  • DATE( expression ) – converts the expression into a date, and removes any hours, minutes or seconds. Conversion errors might be reported.

  • DATETIME( expression ) – converts the expression into a timestamp. Conversion errors might be reported.

  • STRING( expression ) – similar to CAST(value AS CHAR), except that string(NULL) is the empty string (''), whereas CAST(NULL AS CHAR) is the NULL value.

Related reference
Data Type Conversion Functions
Storage Size